Talent Academy proudly established a TTVT Alumni Group, where we have brought all TTVT graduates from our public classes together to form “One Group One Community” in the hope of raising the bar on the training profession. We believe that learning is a long journey. It’s important for us as “like-minded” training professionals to stay connected, to exchange ideas, and to learn and grow. In this community, alumni members are encouraged to share their stories, best practices, and even tools or tips that can contribute to the success of virtual training and digital learning.
On 14 January 2021, we hosted our first-ever online Train-The-Virtual Trainer Alumni Gathering. Our TTVT graduates were so excited to have this opportunity to reunite, not only to interact and network with one another but also share their experiences and memories. One of our graduates even joined us from Vancouver and stayed up late till 4:30am Canada time.
During the two-hour long gathering, we were so thrilled about our graduates' sharing on how they have applied the learning since the program. We talked about virtual training design and delivery, as well as digital tools. Apart from that, we also talked about some interesting topics, such as secrets to get participants to turn on their cameras, 6 success factors for equipment setup, the Kinesthetics Live Online Learning Activities (LOLA), how to use virtual background to introduce a psychometric tool, and how to bring “Black Pink” into virtual training.
Want to join our TTVT Alumni Group in order to learn from other practitioners in the training community and stay abreast of the industry? Simply join our next TTVT Certification Program scheduled for 5 & 19 March 2021 and become our Alumni members. Click on this link https://www.talentacademy.com.hk/ttvt for program details and enrollment. Early bird offer and special discount for two persons are available till 19 Feb 2021 (Friday). Act now!
