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Talent Academy 里程碑 : Hong Kong Living「2021年INFLUENCER Award」

我們公司的創辦人 Matchy MA 榮獲Hong Kong Living頒發「2021年INFLUENCER Award」。



在未來的日子, 讓我們繼續彼此好好配搭,創造更多有創意和影響力的人才發展項目。

"Make Hong Kong & the World Shine"

秋天 2021


A Milestone to Celebrate

Our Founder, Mr Matchy Ma, receives the "2021 Influencer Award" from the Hong Kong Living Magazine. It marks an important milestone of the company 10 years ourney.

On this note, we would like to express our heartfelt thanks to all of our supportive clients for their trust over the years. We believe that our co-creation of each unique talent development programs have built a more positive and productive workforce, teams and leaders in your organizations.

We would also like to thank all of our working partners for your dedication, passion and professionalism in making every program the best. We treasure both the ups and downs with you during this journey, and we can all grow together to be a better person.

Let's keep on shining and impact this world with more positivity.

As Mother Teresa said

“We know only too well that what we are doing is nothing more than a drop in the ocean. But if the drop were not there, the ocean would be missing something.”

See the story here:

Nov 2021

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