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[ HKACEP Athlete Public Speaking Group Coaching ] Unleashing Your Potential in Public Speaking [ 香港運

“There are always three speeches, for every one you actually gave. The one you practiced, the one you gave, and the one you wish you gave.” – Dale Carnegie

Have you ever struggled to deliver your speech even after sufficient preparation?

To present the speech as you wish, constant practices of practical skills will definitely help.

Our consultant, Mr Matchy Ma, coaches a group of Hong Kong athletes in Hong Kong Athletes Career & Education Programme (HKACEP), to unleash their potential in public speaking. Apart from acquiring technical skills such as the basic structure of a speech and intonation, the athletes are also encouraged to think out of the box to cultivate unique ideas for an inspiring speech.

「每一個演說也有三個版本。你練習時的,實際表現的,及你期望的。」– 戴爾・卡內基



我們的顧問,馬志光先生帶領一班參加香港運動員就業及教育計劃的運動員展開其演講之旅。 除了獲取基本知識如演講結構及抑揚頓挫等, 活動亦鼓勵運動員衝破框架,聯想出耳目一新的演講內容。


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