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[ Managerial Skill Development Series - The Path to Successful Planning] 管理技巧發展系列 - 共創理想管理之路 ]

“The art of delegation is one of the key skills any entrepreneur must master” – Richard Branson

Division of labour is a common strategy to achieve high productivity and efficiency. In order to master the art of delegation, clear goal and work plan have to be made.

Our consultant, Mr. Matchy Ma, conducted a workshop with the managers exploring the field of delegation and other keys to be a successful manager. The workshop involved thought provoking learning activities to help managers to master the delegation skills.

Let’s let delegation to navigate you out of the bottleneck and be a trusting manager!

「創業者必須掌握的關鍵技能之一便是放權」 -- 理查德 ・布蘭森





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