A famous author, Paul J. Meyers, once said, "Communication - the human connection - is the key to personal and career success". Communication is important in any aspect of the business. Having effective communication skills helps managers to perform the basic functions of management, including planning, organizing, motivating and controlling. Without successful communication, many businesses would not only suffer from inadequate information transmission, but also mistakes from miscommunication, which can harm the business very seriously.
In order to improve communication among employees in an insurance company, Talent Academy designed and facilitated a program called the "Communication Excellence at Workplace". During this program, participants learned the basic communication process and possible obstacles in communication, such as deletion, distortion, and generalization. Participants also acquired the techniques that can encourage further communication, such as framing, questioning and relationship building. Furthermore, participants were also more cautious of their presupposition in language, which may ruin a communication process. At the end of the program, participants also discovered tips that can help to communicate with those who are not eager to share information.
To know more about our program, simply contact us through info@talentacademy.com.hk
