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Achieving another CSR Milestone: Talent Academy has been Awarded the Caring Company Designation

Talent Academy always endeavors to demonstrate good corporate citizenship through our continued commitments to uphold social responsibility and bring positive changes to the society, such as collaborating with two local universities to support the development of youths through the Summer Internship Programs, sponsoring the production of Heep Hong Society’s Charity Calendar 2020 and raising funds for subsidizing special needs children from low income families to receive professional assessment and timely training.

Recently, we are so honored to have been conferred the Caring Company designation by The Hong Kong Council of Social Service in recognition of our continuing efforts to care about our community, employees and the environment. We are delighted to have our contributions being recognized by various levels. With your support, we will keep the momentum going and make our society more inclusive and sustainable.

Talent Academy is a caring company that cares. To find out more about us, please visit our official website at

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