Being Mindful - A Path to Better Employee Emotional Well-Being“Health is a state of mind. Wellness is a state of being.” According to Dr. Barbara Fredrickson, one of the most highly cited scholars in...
Training is An Exquisite CraftsmanshipHave you ever wondered what tailors actually do? “A tailor is a person's best friend as far as I'm concerned, because you can take things...
Talent Academy 的首個公開研討會 「卓越表現系列~與世界級運動員真情對話.剖析成功路上致勝的心裡秘密」當踏上追求目標的旅程時,我們往往會發現,通往成功的道路並不平坦,而且充滿了起伏和曲折。我們很容易會感到挫敗,甚至可能會放棄。 世界著名的美國職業橄欖球大聯盟球員培頓.曼寧曾經說過:「我們的成敗取決於我們處事的態度。」那麼,我們怎樣才可避免在通往成功的迂迴路上停滯不前或放棄前...